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Fifth progress meeting in Milan, Italy

  • Events

The fifth progress meeting of HORATES was held at IIT in Milan, Italy from October 9 to 12, 2023. The event was organized in place. A detailed agenda can be found here:

HORATES ESRs and PIs at the workshop.

Day 1

Monday, 9 October 2023

The first day focussed on the ESRs presenting their results, progress, upcoming plans and joint projects within the network. In addition, Mario Caironi presented his groups research on edible printed electronics which was completed by a tour through selected CNST-IIT labs.

Day 2 and 3

Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 and 11 October 2023

A number of external experts and HORATES PIs introduced the requirements for synthesis and materials used for printable processes, presented various printing techniques, including high-precision printing techniques, and explained how processes developed at the laboratory scale can be adapted to obtain printable devices. We also learned about various market-ready printed electronic devices – from medical and biological sensors to integrated circuits for smart packaging and strategies to prepare printable inks in a sustainable way.

Moreover, Diego and Soyeong PhD students from the HORATES Partner Organisation KAUST presented their results and progress and the HORATES boards met. In the evening of day two we enjoyed a dinner in the center of Milan.

ESRs and students from KAUST enjoying the HORATES dinner in Milan. / Photo: Mariano Campoy-Quiles

On day three the HORATES ESRs visited the facilities of our partner organisation RIBES and got to know their roll-to roll printing line. More details on this event as well as pictures at RibesTech facilities can be found here: RibesTech-HORATES

ESRs on their way to RIBESTech. / Photo: Nathan James Pataki

Day 4

Thursday, 12 October2023

On the fourth day, a career development workshop was held for the ESRs. The requirements for applying to industry and academia were discussed. The ESRs learned how to write a CV for industry or alternatively for academic research grants, about the funding sources and grants available for postdocs and how they differ. They were also given a personal insight into the experiences of a Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow.

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