Orientation, structural control and doping mechanism of polymer semiconductors for thermoelectric applications
Shubhradip Guchait (ESR 12)
Home Institution:
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut Charles Sadron, France (CNRS)
1st Secondment:
Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
2nd Secondment:
InnovationLab, Germany
3rd Secondment:
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy (IIT)
Martin Brinkmann (CNRS)
Michael Sommer (Chemnitz)
- Alignment of n- and p-type polymer semiconductors and controlled doping thereof
- Influence of doping method on structure and TE properties
- Influence of dopant chemical nature on structure of doped layers
- Adapt oriented films to prepare TE devices using the coat-rubbing-fold method
Expected results
- Enhance TE efficiency (conductivity and possibly Seebeck coefficient) through alignment
- Understanding of dopant intercalation mechanism
- Establish correlations between structure and TE properties in anisotropic thin films
Skills acquired
- Preparation of highly aligned conducting polymer layers
- Expertise in transmission electron microscopy and structural analysis of polymeric systems (low dose TEM)
- Polarized UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and TE measurements (conductivity and Seebeck coefficient) in anisotropic systems