Investigating the electronic structure and figures of merit of novel thermoelectric materials
Federico Ferrari (ESR 10)
Home Institution:
University of Groningen, Netherlands
1st Secondment:
Linköping University, Sweden
2nd Secondment:
InnovationLab, Germany
Jan Anton Koster (Groningen)
Igor Zozoulenko (Linköping)
- Measurement of the density-of-states (DOS) of doped organic semiconductors and linking the DOS to the Seebeck coefficient and conductivity
- Development and validation of multiphysics models for device design
- Optimization of device design through the use of multiphysics modelling
Expected results
- Measurement of the DOS in a number of n- and p-doped systems as well as on hybrid systems
- The establishment of a direct link between DOS and Seebeck coefficient in doped organics semiconductors
- Development and experimental validation of multiphysics models for organic thermoelectric devices
- Improved and optimized design of organic thermoelectric generators
Skills acquired
- Finite-element modelling of thermoelectric devices
- Electrical characterization and electrochemical measurements of the DOS