Synthesis of n-type and p-type polymers for thermoelectric applications
Diego Ropero Hinojosa (ESR 11)
Home Institution:
Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
1st Secondment:
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
2nd Secondment:
InnovationLab, Germany
Michael Sommer (Chemnitz)
Christian Müller (Chalmers)
- Design, characterization and scalable synthesis of n-type polymers with ambient stability in doped state (LUMO more negative than –4.0 eV) and high electron mobility
- Synthesis of several new electron-deficient copolymers with polar side chains based on heterocycles, imides, lactones or lactam functionalities
- Synthesis of conjugated n-type polyelectrolytes
- Scale up to ~5 g scale of most promising candidates
- Characterization, thermal properties, aggregation in solution and ambient stability in doped state by steady-state optical properties
- Selection of dopants.
Expected results
- Large scale synthesis of ambient stable conjugated polymers with LUMO energy level > -4.0 eV, high electron mobility (> 1 cm2/Vs)
- Synthesis of different molecular weights (MWs) to establish MW-correlations with processability, charge mobility and TE performance
- Knowledge on solution aggregation as basis for doping protocols
Skills acquired
- Organic synthesis
- Fine tuning of transition-metal catalyzed polycondensations
- MW optimization
- Upscaling
- Polymer and optoelectronic characterization
- Basic TE measurements