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Matías Nicolás Joglar

Matías Nicolás Joglar

Home Institution:
Eurecat Centre Tecnològic, Spain

ESR Project:
Design, fabrication and validation of electronics control unit integrated with OTEGs

Aditya Dash

Aditya Dash

Home Institution:
Heidelberg University, Germany

ESR Project:
Model development and validation for hybrid and organic thermoelectrics

Angus Hawkey

Angus Hawkey

Home Institution:
Heidelberg University, Germany

ESR Project:
Fabrication and characterization of hybrid thermoelectrics

Nathan James Pataki

Nathan James Pataki

Mariavittoria Craighero

Mariavittoria Craighero

Home Institution:
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

ESR Project:
Processing and doping of polymer thin films and bulk materials

Joost Kimpel

Joost Kimpel

Home Institution:
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

ESR Project:
Synthesis and solution processing of novel p-type conjugated polymers

Jiali Guo

Jiali Guo

Home Institution:
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona, Spain

ESR Project:
Advanced characterization of the thermoelectric properties of organic systems

Paolo Sebastiano Floris

Paolo Sebastiano Floris

Home Institution:
Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona, Spain

ESR Project:
Impact of doping on the thermal properties of polymeric films

Qifan Li

Qifan Li

Najmeh Zahabi

Najmeh Zahabi

Federico Ferrari

Federico Ferrari

Diego Ropero Hinojosa

Diego Ropero Hinojosa

Home Institution:
Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany

ESR Project:
Synthesis of n-type and p-type polymers for thermoelectric applications

Shubhradip Guchait

Shubhradip Guchait

Irene Brunetti

Irene Brunetti

Home Institution:
InnovationLab, Germany

ESR Project:
OTEGs fabricated by scalable printing techniques

Zijin Zeng

Zijin Zeng